Healing Mantras

 Healing mantras

It may help restore mind, body, and spirit after a few challenging years of pandemic living.

The last two years have been incredibly challenging. While the pandemic did bring some positive changes (no more commuting, hooray!), there has also been a lot of negativity lately. Personally, in our communities, nations, and globally, we have experienced grief, loss, trauma, illness, mental health struggles, economic hardship, and environmental concerns. In times like these, we all could use some love and healing. It's difficult to figure out what actions to take and how to be helpful when all I want to do is relax on the couch and binge-watch more Netflix.

In addition to meditation, sleep, nutritious food, and exercise, I realize that music has always been a place of solace for me. My life has been enriched by mantra, that beautiful combination of prayer and music. Mantra also grounds me and keeps me whole when life is divinely good.

I have compiled this list of mantras specifically intended for healing from my library and trusted websites if, like me, you are trying to re-center yourself in spirit. Please feel free to chant along with the playlist that I have made on iTunes. Let me know if you have any suggestions for songs and mantras you’d like to add to the list.

There is a beautiful list of affirmations from Tanaaz Chubb at Forever Conscious if you're looking for English-language affirmations.

Also Read: Mantra for Health 

Namaha Shree Dhanvantre

This mantra invokes the healing energies of the divine celestial healer Sri Dhanvantre. Om Shree Dhanvantre Namaha translates to "Om and salutations to the divine celestial healer Sri Dhanvantre". Due to the fact that it does not specify a specific request, it supports any type of healing. I chanted this mantra most days when we were trying to get pregnant, because it asks one to be open to healing regardless of how it occurs.

Mantra of Mahamrityunjaya

Tryambakam yajaamahe

Pushthi vardhanam, Sugandhim

It's urdvaa rukamiva bandhanaat

The muksheeya maamritaat of Mrityor

I am filled with gratitude for the chance to reside and train at yoga ashrams in India, Australia, and Canada. A cherished practice I acquired was the Saturday night recitation of the Mahamrityunjaya mantra. Prior to beginning, we were instructed to focus on an aspect of ourselves, loved ones, or the Earth that required healing. It was fascinating to contemplate how individuals from all corners of the world came together in this meaningful tradition every Saturday night.

According to Sacred Seed Yoga, “This mantra is considered one of the most potent and powerful of all the ancient Sanskrit mantras. It is used for healing and immunity for our psychic, emotional, mental and pranic (energetic) bodies. Therefore, it gives us strength and stamina on all levels, bestowing longevity and helping us overcome diseases.”

In literal terms, the mantra means:

OM - The sound of the universe, the absolute reality

During meditation, we contemplate the three-eyed one (Lord Shiva or the Absolute).

We are nourished by the fragrance (of supreme bliss) of Him

Like a cucumber, may we be freed from the disease of ignorance that binds us and freed from the cycle of birth and death.

Read this article at ReSanskrit for a fuller understanding of this supreme mantra.

Da Ma Ma Sa

I have not studied this mantra in depth since I am not from the Kundalini tradition. The 8 sounds (ra, ma, da, sa, sa, say, so, hung) are believed to bring deep healing through tapping into the infinite spirit. In my experience, when I have chanted the mantra with a group or along with a recording, it is resonant and powerful. It is translated as follows:

The Sun's energy, Ra, energizes and purifies.

Moon energy is receptive, cool, and nurturing.

Da is the ground of action. It is secure and personal.

The cosmos in all its dimensions, openness, expansiveness, and totality are Sa.

It represents the totality of experience and is personal. It is the feeling of the sacred "Thou." It is the essence of Sa.

The sense of merger and identity is also important.

The two qualities (So and Hung) together mean "I am Thou.".

Also Read: Neem - Healing Properties 

Mantras of Bija

The Bija seed mantras, such as Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam, Ham, U, and Om, symbolize the chakras and their corresponding divine sounds. By chanting these seeds, one can align their chakras and promote the flow of energy. This can ultimately release any tension or blockages within the body. These sacred mantras are also believed to free the mind. They can be chanted simultaneously or individually in a focused meditation to target specific areas of stuck energy within the chakras.

Mantra of the Medicine Buddha

Buddhist mantra "Tayata Om Bekanze B

ekanze Maha Bekanze Radza Samudgate Soha" speaks to releasing suffering, not just physical and emotional pain.

I now invoke Tayata

The sound of Om is universal

Release the pain of illness with Bekanze Bekanze

Bekanze Maha: Let go of delusion's pain and darkness

To attain supreme spiritual heights through Radza Samudgate

I offer this prayer to the Medicine Buddha.

Please let me know in the comments if these mantras provide relief and comfort to you and your loved ones. I'd also love to hear any other mantras that you know and love.

*Editor’s Note: The information in this article is intended for your educational use only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. In case you have any questions about a medical condition or are planning to begin any diet, supplement, fitness program, or other health program, consult your physician or other qualified health provider.
